To me, internet marketing is about leverage. In order to make money online, you have to make the best use of your time and money. Spending a fortune to get an online business going isn’t an option for most people. One day while I was looking at some domains, I had an original idea that I thought could really help some of you that are on a tight budget.
Starting Your Own Media Company
Some of you know that I use to buy domain names and for my hosting. When I was looking through some of the features of my Proud Domains hosting account, I realized that it would be really easy to start a 25 site media company using the features I already pay for. Total monthly cost: $10 for the deluxe hosting account.
The deluxe hosting account gives you access to 25 databases and unlimited subdomains. This means you could set up 25 blogs in different subdomains for only $10 per month.
Yahoo’s Media Company is very much like the media company that can be started for $10 per month. The have quite a few informational sites that are all set up in subdomains. Here are a few examples of Yahoo sub-sites that are really popular:
Using this model, you can easily create multiple sites without spending a lot of money for startup.
It’s Easy To Set Up In The Control Panel
In the Proud Domains hosting control panel, it’s pretty easy to set up a blog in a subdomain. Here’s the step by step:
- Go to ‘Settings’ and the ‘Domain Management’.
- Click ‘Add Subdomain’.
- Give the subdomain a name and click save. (You want to name the subdomain according to what that sub-site is going to be about. If it’s going to be about finance you will want to use ‘finance’.)
- The subdomain you have created will now appear as a folder on your hosting server. If you used ‘finance’, the files or blog you place in that folder will appear as
- Now that you have created the subdomain, you can either create a website from scratch in the subdomain, or you can install a blog. My ‘Starting A Blog‘ article shows you how to install a WordPress blog on a Proud Domains hosting account.
Make Money Online With Your Media Company
Once you follow the above steps 25 times, you will have a full blown media company. Your sites would appear on the internet like this:
You can use each site to make money for you. Here are some of the free programs that you can use to make money with your company:
- Google Adsense
- Kontera
The post Starting A 25 Site Media Company For $10 Per Month appeared first on The Blog Builders™.